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Literal structured objects

Literal has two structured object classes that you can inherit from: Literal::Struct and Literal::Data. These are similar to Ruby’s built in Struct and Data classes in that Literal::Struct is mutable while Literal::Data is immutable.

class User < Literal::Struct
  prop :name, String
  prop :age, _Integer(13..)


Both are marshallable, meaning they can be serialized and deserialized using Ruby’s built-in Marshal module.


Both are hash-like, meaning they can be used in place of a hash in some cases. You can access their properties using the [] method. Literal::Struct also supports []= to set properties.

Hash equality

Both implement hash based on their properties, so they can be used as keys in a hash.

Pattern matching

Both implement deconstruct and deconstruct_keys so you can pattern match on their properties.

Support for Packwerk

Both implement the interfaces required to be packwerk compatible.